
Find the character you like most, and follow their story.

The characters -- and the implications of their stories -- are global, affording a much more demographically targeted and measurable engagement with global audiences.


A Decentralized approach to storytelling

Blurring the lines between scripted entertainment and real-world experience

Subscribers follow and interact with characters using email, voice and video calls, live events, real-world interactions with "relics," and social media, depending on the subscription tier level.


Always on, never dull

Every stranger is potentially a character

Drop in on a 24/7 live webcam, a fashion show, live concert or an art gallery opening. Choose to interact with strangers, and you may stumble into the story, solving a mystery which could help your favorite character along the way. At live events, the camera crew blends in as "media" covering the event, and actors blend in their characters as audience attendees.

Finally, the "always on" modularity of the IRE model affords the most timely contributions to current conversations, a real-time, direct line to audience interests of the day.


Interactive Reality Entertainment

A powerful way to engage any subscriber base through real-time transmedia story and character.

Measured Results

Utilizing online tools for response and engagement data useful in audience testing.

Dialogue with Characters

Engagement with characters as real people, not just 2D narrative figures on a screen.

Proven Formula

Public fascination with fictional characters is no secret, and IRE utilizes precedented strategies.

Dynamic Content

Subscribers consume, interact and share, when and how they want.

Archived Storylines

Subscribers can join in anytime, and catch up on content which has now become fascinating back story.

Secure Payments

IRE affords its subscribers the latest in cutting edge secure payment technology.

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